Title: His confession Author: CherryFlower05 Summary: She insisted he was bad lucky and he called her danger prone but in the end of it all they fell in love. A series of ‘how we met’ and ‘horrible dates’ Author's Note:
Title: Her Confession Author: CherryFlower05 Summary: She insisted he was bad lucky and he called her danger prone but in the end of it all they fell in love. A series of ‘how we met’ and ‘horrible dates’ Author's Note:
Author: CherryFlower05 Summary: She insisted he was bad lucky and he called her danger prone but in the end of it all they fell in love. A series of ‘how we met’ and ‘horrible dates’ Author's Note:
Title: The Bad Date Author: CherryFlower05 Summary: She insisted he was bad lucky and he called her danger prone but in the end of it all they fell in love. A series of ‘how we met’ and ‘horrible dates’ Author's Note: read title please
Title: How we met! Author: CherryFlower05 Summary: She insisted he was bad lucky and he called her danger prone but in the end of it all they fell in love. A series of ‘how we met’ and ‘horrible dates’ Author's Note: Just enjoy!